So we finally found a new place! For those of you who don't know we've been hunting for a new place to live since like June. We need something with a little more space and John would really like a garage. Well the hunt is finally over! We found an apartment in our price range with almost all of the things we want. The only thing missing is that they don't allow pets so no puppy in the near future :( but other then that it is perfect. It has 2 bedrooms, so we will get to have an office (goodbye flashing computer lights when we're trying to sleep). It also has a dishwasher so no more putting off doing dishes and lots of counter space so I can cook a little easier. I'm excited about the gas stove! Lol, no more burning stuff when the stupid electric stove won't cool down. And probably our favorite thing... a 2 car garage! We can both park inside, John can work on his car easily and more storage for the junk filling up our closets! it will be very different though because we are moving out of SLO.
We will be living in Grover Beach. But we are actually happy about that. No more crazy collage kids everywhere, maybe people will start treating us like adults at the grocery store. We will also be in a new ward and a new stake. Hopefully this ward will be a little more welcoming and if not they better be prepared because we are gonna make ourselves welcome and be super involved so they have to get to know us this time!! The move will be interesting because this is the first time we have moved as a couple. We will actually be setting everything up together and hopefully doing a little decorating. Oh! I almost forgot my favorite part. We will have our own washer & dryer hookups!! No more coin-op laundry! Now we just have to find a washer & dryer.If anyone has one the want to give us or sell to us we would be so happy!
Hmm... what else is going on with us? Well John is still in school and doing great. We are hoping he will be done at Cuesta in about a year and we will be moving again, a bit further though. He is also still working at CDM. He loves the hours & flexibility but not always the work. He is eager to move on to bigger and better things, mainly that involve cars! I am now working for Rizzoli's Automotive as an Administrative Assistant. I am actually really loving it! I am in charge of making sure everything gets done right. I am super busy all day and get to meet all kinds of people. Everyone I work with is so awesome! The company takes great care of us as employees. I love being told constantly have great I am and how much they appreciate me. We will both still be working in SLO so we will probably be carpooling to work when we can.
Well that's about everything! No babies planned in the foreseeable future for all of you that are wondering. :) We love you all and hope all is well! Love from the Mastins!!
Hey Jess I didn't know you had a blog?! Awesome, I'm want to follow you, if only I can figure it out haha by the way you spelled college kids wrong :) Have you tried craigslist for washer/dryer? I'm so excited for you to move! When is the big day? Moving sure is interesting haha well love you both!