I just want to start by saying that I'm so exciting to start blogging! I really want to keep a record of what's going on in my life and I guess John's too. I have been failing at keeping a journal so I thought I'd try this so I can also share it with the people I love! Ok so here I go!
Right now we are struggling a little just trying to figure out where to go next. John is back in school this semester and is loving it. He's also working part time for a company called CDM. I love what a giant geek he is! He spends his day testing computer software and it just amazes me sometimes how smart he is especially when it comes to anything electronic. Actually it just amazes me how smart he is in general. I think he likes to hide it because he doesn't like it or doesn't want people to know, but he is such an intelligent man. Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky...
Moving on to me! :) I have decided to take a little break from school and work full time so that John can get an education without us going into too much debt. I know everybody thought this was a bad decision, but we really prayed and thought a lot about it. I was just feeling so burnt out from school and he was so ready to go back. Plus we would really like to start a family before we're 30! No but really I want to be able to be a stay at home mom and I feel its really important for him to get a good education so he can find a career that will allow that life for us. But somehow our life never can go as planned. In May I got a great full time job as a nanny, that was going to allow everything to work. But last week we were hit with a bomb... the family can't afford to keep me full time anymore. I'm so devastated! It makes me question the choice we made and if it was really the right one. Now I'm on the hunt again for a new job and its been hard because I'm just so discouraged. I just want to work so bad and I feel like I put my all into everything I do but I can't seem to find an employer that appreciates it and can challenge me. I'm also fighting my impatience. I can not wait to have a baby and grow our little family. I try to remind myself each day to enjoy the moment I'm in and stop wishing for tomorrow.
I have so much more to say but it will have to wait til next time because I really should be doing dishes right now...(no really we have almost no dishes clean! i hate doing dishes!!!). I am so blessed to have such wonderful family & friends. I am so grateful for my Savior and the Gospel in my life. And most of all I am so thankful for my amazing husband. He truly is the best thing that ever happened to me and I'm not sure what I did to be lucky enough to get a man like him.
Thanks for reading!
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