Saturday, October 29, 2011

1 week til the move!!

So I've got to start by saying how much I love my Saturdays! John and I get to sleep in together then he goes of to work and I have the whole day to myself to do whatever I please. Today I'm having brunch consisting of toast, cottage cheese & farmers market fresh tomatoes. Aww the simple joys in life!

Anyways... 1 week from now we will be moving into our new place! Next Saturday will be a hectic but exciting day. My family is coming to help which will be so awesome because I miss them! And they are so much better at these things then us! Our apartment is a disaster right now! Boxes and bags everywhere!! Our dining room has become the box room, so everything that is packed lives there. Our living room and dining room are packed and today I think I'm gonna tackle the kitchen. Or maybe work on our bedroom a little. This will be my last weekend having to use coin-op laundry!! We're also super excited about our new ward! Matt & Moani will be in our ward. They had us over for dinner last week and they invited another couple from the ward who were so nice! We are so excited to get to know some new people & I've got my fingers crossed for a calling in Primary!

Last night we hung out with Daniel and Erica. We went to sushi (yum!) then carved pumpkins. We had so much fun! We saved all of our seeds and were going to roast them... but John managed to spill them all over the ground so we changed our minds lol. John's is a bird from the game Angry Birds & I made a Cyclops. Here are some photos of our masterpieces...

In other news...I will be going back to school in January, but not at Cal Poly. I will be taking online classes from BYUI. I'm super excited! The program is so great and will allow me to do what I want with my education (finally). The Lord definitely had a hand in creating this "Pathway Program" and in helping me find it. It is so perfect for me! I will start by taking 5 credits per semester online and attend a study group/ class session once a week with other students in the area who are also doing this program. Next December I will be done with the first "level" and by adding in be Cal Poly credits will have my AA. Then I can continue online or transfer to BYUI to finish getting my bachelors in whatever I want! I'm excited to be moving forward! We are planning to stay in San Luis Obispo until at least December 2012. John is going to finish at Cuesta and get his AA. Then we will transfer to BYUI probably for Spring semester 2013 to avoid a little bit of the snow. Its so nice to have a plan!

Well that's all for now! I will post some pictures of the new place in the next few weeks, when it is somewhat organized. Love you all! The Mastins


  1. Your pictures are not showing up :(

  2. We are SO excited for you guys. SO glad you are moving into a ward with good friends already there!. Wish we could be there to help!

  3. I fixed the pics! Thanks Kayde for letting me know!
